segunda-feira, 28 de novembro de 2011

crunchy munchies

bryghus sponsored

i feel music, music fills me. or maybe it's just the beer. i'm full, anyway. tomorrow i'll be full of headache.

sábado, 26 de novembro de 2011

goodbye and good night

terça-feira, 22 de novembro de 2011

D de...


sexta-feira, 18 de novembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 17 de novembro de 2011

Let's all feel superior

and it reads something like this:

Costas: Innocent? Completely innocent and falsely accused in every aspect?
Sandsuky: Well, I could say that, you know, I have done some of those things. I have horsed around with kids. I have showered after workouts. I have, I have hugged them and I have touched their legs, without intent of sexual contact, but, um, so if you look at it that way, uh, there are things that, that, um, wouldn’t, uh, you know—would be accurate.


Brooks talks about the “bystander effect.” It is fair to ask why people who just happened to be passing by fail to insert themselves these scenes. At Penn State, though, there were too many officials who were not “bystanders” at all; they worked with Sandusky and helped enable his access to children—stood by him. They inhabited the same circle of self-congratulation. The pride that was the problem at Penn State was not that of pointing fingers. It was of keeping quiet about people whose names one knew, and not learning the names of children whose stories were disruptive. But there are no so-called children here, or anywhere; only real ones, who deserve better.

quarta-feira, 16 de novembro de 2011


Quando se vive nos nortes, toda a gente sabe que um amanhecer destes tem um preço. Frio do caraças.

terça-feira, 15 de novembro de 2011

winter welcome

Porque eu não sou ninguém sem um nariz ranhoso que dá de si e me faz parecer o Rudolfo. E a economia dos lenços de papel também já devia andar a sentir a minha falta. Não queremos isso, que toda a gente sabe que tem que ajudar a superar a crise. Beijos Crise, desculpa.


sexta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2011

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 3 de novembro de 2011

chlanchlan chlaaaan

awesomeness part II



What is most impressive about the UNESCO vote is that despite the US diplomacy of threat and intimidation, the Palestinian application for membership carried the day. There was enough adherence to principle by enough states to provide the necessary 2/3rds vote even in the face of a determined American diplomatic effort, bolstered by threatening punitive action in the form of refusing further financial support for UNESCO, which amounts to some $60m for the current year, and overall 22 per cent of the organization's annual budget of $643m in 2010-11 (which is projected to be $653m for 2011-12). Actually this withholding of funds is an American policy embedded in legislation that derives from the early 1990s, and cannot be attributed to the ridiculously pro-Israeli present Congress that would have acted in a similar fashion, and probably feels deprived of an opportunity to draw fresh UN blood. Indeed rabid pro-Israel members of Congress are already showboating their readiness to do more to damage so as to exhibit their devotion to Israel.  This unseemly demand to punish the UN for taking a principled stand is worse than just being a poor loser, it amounts to a totally irresponsible willingness to damage the indispensable work of cultural and societal cooperation on international levels just to show that there is a price to be paid to defy the will of Israel, with the United States as willing enforcement agent. It is an excellent moment for the governments of other states to demonstrate their commitment to human wellbeing by helping to restore confidence in the UN. One way to do this is to help overcome this unanticipated UNESCO budget deficit, and what would deliver a most message to Washington and Tel Aviv would be a collection campaign that generated more funds than those lost. It seems a useful opportunity to show once and for all that such strong arm fiscal tactics are no longer acceptable and don't even work in the post-colonial world. Such an outcome would also confirm that the geopolitical tectonic plates of world order have shifted in such a way as to give increasing prominence to such countries as China, India, Russia, Brazil, and South Africa all of whom voted to admit Palestine to UNESCO. At least for the moment in this limited setting we can obtain a glimpse of a genuine 'new world order'! The Security Council has proved unable and unwilling to change its two-tier structure to accommodate these shifts, but these countries can by their own action become more active players on the global stage. It is not necessary to wait until France and Britain read the tea leaves accurately enough to realize that it is time for them to give up their permanent place at the UNSC.


read all of it here

terça-feira, 1 de novembro de 2011


Quando era pequena (sem gozo!) gostava de fazer uma janela com as duas mãos e ver por entre os meus dedo como uma fotografia, um mundo emoldurado. Como espreitar as paisagens que correm emolduradas no sentido contrário, pelo retrovisor do carro (saudades da Polette, especialmente de quando o retrovisor caía), a acelerarem, a fugirem de nós. 
Quanto dos outros podemos guardar em nós? Muitas vezes somos como papel de fotografia, uma Polaroid. Determinadas situações - boas, más, simplesmente triviais e sem qualquer importância, humilhantes, dolorosas - ficam impressas em nós, irreversíveis, mesmo que tenham ficado desfocadas..  Mas porque não outras? Como numa fotografia, não dá pra mudar. Faz-se um bocadinho de edição, passa-se um photoshop, corrige-se umas intensidades, esbatem-se as rugas. Mas não muda o que lá está.

wanna go there