quarta-feira, 11 de abril de 2012

shade of old

muito bom. gosto especialmente do meu nokia notsosmartphone porque me salva de fazer parte disto e porque me obriga a saber o que é uma iso, abertura, exposição e photoshop. o caminho mais facil nunca foi o meu forte mesmo.

Much of Instagram’s appeal, however, comes from something more simple: it makes everything in our lives, including and especially ourselves, look better. We live in a world of bad lighting, and are forever stuck in mundane locations and posed in unflattering positions. Instagram gives us an ideal self—our edges sharpened by finely tuned manipulations of contrast and color. We look like the subjects of a magazine photo shoot—the nineteen-seventies rock-and-roll stars we always hoped we’d be.
It might be said, though, that all Instagrammed photos emphasize photography as an elegiac or twilight art, one that rushes and fakes the emotion of old photographs by cutting out the wait for history entirely, and giving something just a few seconds old the texture of time. We are creating a kind of instant nostalgia for moments that never quite were.

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